
Showing posts from 2010

Well, it's a start.

After much effort, toil, angst, deliberation and frenetic Craigslist-surfing...I managed to get the very first component towards my (eventual) Tiki habitat. I managed to buy a bar and (I think) a pretty bloody nice one at that. It has only a couple of tiny dings and chips, but nothing that even someone as manually unskilled as I can't set right. Those teeny flaws aside, it's practically new. Below is the "overall view" of the beast. It weighs a TON...that slab o'granite top does not help and, even worse, makes it ridiculously top-heavy when all you have are one and a half men (me & Joey) to schlep it from the wifely minivan to the back room via the obstacle course of a hypercluttered garage, tall steps and rugged lawn terrain. Ona a dolly that was missing a wheel, and was wa-a-a-a-a-ay too small for the bar's footprint. So I had to stop every 10 feet, for Joey to shove an old sneaker where the missing wheel wasn't, so I could adjust the bar atop t...