Here is the RIGHT way to do this. Start by slicing pickles. NOT the sweet kind, and (ideally) not the ones that sit shelf-stably at room temperature. You need the crunch. I'spose you could get away with the pre-sliced ones, but I like my surface:mass ratio just so , and the Pickle Industrial Complex will not comply. (I'll post my homemade ones in the very near future.) Take Cuban bread, or Cuban rolls or, if you live in the provinces, something in the egg bread family (which turns this from a Cubano to a Medianoche , because it's better to have a pretty authentic Sandwich B than a wildly inauthentic Sandwich A, but whatever) split them. and mustardize them. The classic choice is plain ol' yellow mustard but I like the "deli" style mustard better. You do whatever you want. Some people, bless them, like mayonnaise in this sandwich. That's just bad-WRONG, but you do whatever. (I'm judging you with my thoughts.) Then you lay down your pickle coverage...